Selecting a theme for small photo calendars
Pixum - Excellent quality
Photo Calendars: Customer Feedback
When making that initial selection: think about the resolution
The devil is in the detail: avoid overloading your shots
The smaller an image, the more difficult it is to see details and subtleties. For this reason you should try to select an image in which the subject matter can be seen clearly and precisely and avoid photos that are overly busy. For example, shots in which there is a clear distinction between the foreground, the middleground and background, on account of high depth-of-field, are particularly well suited for small photo calendars.
Also well suited, for example, are photos that you have captured using the photo sharing app Instagram: these images are ultimately shot with a view to being displayed on a small interface anyway ? your smartphone screen ? and generally in square format, which makes their inclusion in a Pixum photo calendar particularly simple.